Customer measured lower torque value

1 min. readlast update: 03.14.2022

Max Torque:

torque specification is listed based on lab test environments where the torque tester is set with right size of bolt/nut, and lubricated to exclude heat/friction energy loss in measuring. An other important point is about soft joint vs hard joint.  

HARD JOINT: All our measurement is based on hard joint, which meant the bolt/nut is tighten against a hard metal. this give common ground of measurement.

SOFT JOINT: joints includes washer(s) and/or softer material (like wood). The compressible/deformation characteristic of this type of joint will make measured torque lower. (there are many technical paper/docs of this)

Also, if it is impact mechanism, the measured torque accumulates over time, like a hammer hitting the hand wrench.  

For Ratchet wrench torque, we have an article advising its properties.

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